Protect your copyright on

research, results, algorithms and descriptions of ideas

Author certificate in 5 minutes.
It’s free for scientists. Half of our team are researchers and PhD graduates.
An easy way to protect
Publishing in a Q1 journal sometimes takes a year. All the while, the authorship of your result is at risk. Often you have to write a research paper together with a large team, and then it's hard to find out where exactly your result is without an argument.

Now, thanks to globalization and blockchain technology, you can protect your rights globally in minutes. It works even if it's a couple of lines of an algorithm or a schematic on a napkin.
For your results and even your ideas, we offer automated copyright protection using blockchain technology
  • Research papers preprints
  • PDF or TEX files, graphs, experimental data, and codebase
  • All research documents (grant application, conference decks, agreement on the division of the author's contribution to the research, term sheets, etc.)
  • Any digital files created by you
You can also specify affilations if you want
With this service, you can:
Record the date on which the scientific result was achieved
Safely share your decks, ideas, graphs with other researchers you work with
Protect your reputation in case of a plagiarism dispute
Capture scientific result even before publication in a scientific journal
Unlike preprints, our certificate does not prevent publication in a top-rated journal
Universities and grantors
Through universal integration, you can record the achievements of your scientists. In the race for results, we can help you protect yourself from competing scientific groups working on the same problems. All affirmations and acknowledgements can be indicated on the certificate.
It's that easy
Up to 10 files of any format, with a total file size of up to 1GB
Certificate of deposit on the blockchain
Serves as proof of copyright
How it works
Fixing the content and timing of file uploads
A digital representation of the content is hashed and uploaded to the blockchain. The user receives a permanent certificate of deposit, with a timestamp indicating the date and time of upload.
Data immutability guaranteed
Data immutability is ensured by blockchain technology. Each intellectual property object is assigned a unique identifier, which is derived from a hash function applied to the contents of the file. This ensures that all information about the object remains transparent and unalterable.
High security
Our service ensures privacy by using unique hash codes. This method guarantees the integrity of your digital fingerprints, without revealing the actual contents of your files to third parties or even ourselves.
Global Legal Compliance and Intellectual Property Protection
Our service aligns with major global and regional regulations for copyright and IP protection
  • Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of the United States
  • The European Union Copyright Directive (EUCD)
  • Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
And also:
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Copyright Treaty (WCT)
  • Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
  • Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
  • ISO 27001 standards
Guarantees and Certifications:
  • Our service guarantees the complete preservation, immutability, and permanence of your IP records on the blockchain, ensuring your copyrights are securely documented.

  • By embracing blockchain technology in IP-related matters, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the leading authority in global intellectual property management, is at the forefront of innovation. Engaging with Autoproof positions your scientific work as a pioneer alongside WIPO in this cutting-edge transition to WEB3.
To get free access for scientist proof of email address at university domain
Have any questions?
If you have any other questions, feel free to reach us by email at
Autoproof is meticulously designed to fulfill three pivotal legal criteria necessary for substantiating intellectual property claims: the establishment of a verifiable timestamp denoting the moment of creation, authentication of authorship, and the preservation of content in an immutable state, in accordance with the provisions set forth by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in the United States and the European Union Copyright Directive (EUCD).

By harnessing the capabilities of blockchain technology, our platform generates incontrovertible digital records that encapsulate the aforementioned legal prerequisites, presenting a contemporary method for documenting and securing intellectual property rights. This mechanism serves not only as a deterrent against potential infringement but also as robust evidentiary support in the adjudication of disputes, potentially obviating the need for protracted legal contests and the associated f